My friends and I have birthdays within the same week, so we had a 1-2-3 party. Carter turned 3, Will turned 2 and I turned 1. We met at the playground for the party. Unfortunately, Will got sick the night before and couldn't make it. Here I am with my Aunt Allison, she had a cool necklace on.

Here I am with Carter's brother, Graham. It was all fun and games until I pulled Graham's hair. He just has so much of it and it was right there. I had to grab it. Sorry Graham.

Here is Carter, the 3 year old, hugging his Grandma.

I got to have cake again! Yummy!

Mommy with baby Graham. I can't wait till we can run and play together.

I'm here with all of Mommy's friends! We had so much fun, I can't wait to see everyone again!