Daddy built me a playhouse this weekend. Here I am watching Daddy build. Mommy helped too. They just have the roof to put on. Here I am playing. I love it.
I had a lot of fun watching Mommy and Daddy build but I got mosquito bite under my eye. It is kind of painful. We got our 2ndzucchini, its almost as big as me.
Friday I went to a birthday party at a farm. Here I am sitting on a pony. I was a little too young to ride it but it was neat to seat on him. A goat got out of the fence so I wanted to go over to see him. I loved walking around there. At the end of the party we took a hay ride. They hay was a little scratchy but Mom let me sit on her lap.
I'm getting a little more independent and I can walk around the room. But the more I walk, the more I fall. This week I fell on Mommy's tooth, that's the bump and bruise on my forehead. Then I scratched myself with my long nails on my cheek. I don't let Mommy cut my nails. Then I fell on the dishwasher and got a cut under my lip. I'm a mess. I really like to walk with toys in my hands. I don't like when I fall. Ouch. I love to play music! Here is our garden, we got our first zucchini this weekend. I even got to try some and I liked it.
I'm 14 months old now. Yippee! Look at me, no hands! Mommy has been taking me to the pool every week and this weekend Daddy went with us. I love to jump off the step. After the pool, I was so tired, I could barely move when Mommy was changing me. We went to a music festival today. I did a little dancing and reading.
I love when Daddy puts me in the air. What's on Daddy's blackberry?
I'm taking more steps now and getting braver every day. I spilled milk all over the floor today and when Mommy went to throw away the paper towels, I played with the paper towels. It was so fun!
Happy 4th of July! We stayed in Maplewood and went to the park and the circus! Hello!!! Here we are at the circus, it was fun but SO HOT under that tent. My favorite was this drummer, I couldn't take my eyes off him. We got to see camels too.
Mommy went to work in the city the other day and Daddy took the day off to watch me. So I decided to take my first step. Daddy caught a picture of me, I was so excited. Mommy wasn't too happy to miss it on the ONE day that she wasn't with me. Sorry Mommy. Here I am practicing, kind of looks like ballet. Do you like my shoes they were Carson's. Thanks Carson. We joined the community pool and Mommy took me this week. I was a little nervous at first as I walked in and walked right back out, but I got used to it. I can't wait to go again. The 2nd picture was taken after the pool. It wore me out.