Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit us for Halloween. We went downtown for a parade. 

I played with my friend Gavin, otherwise known as 'Baby G'. (He was a rapper)
Where do I go next to get some candy?
I need to take a break. 

What do I have in here? 
Oh Grandma, I'm so glad you are here. 

I see Daddy coming off the train!!

Daddy and I got some good candy.
I love this trick or treating. When can I go again? 
Mommy, I'm one tired elephant. 

Halloween Playgroup

Our playgroup this week had a Halloween party. There was a cave girl, kangaroo and Chewbacca just to name a few.

Here are Chewbacca and I having some goldfish. I'm the elephant.
They had a play tent with balls inside. I loved it!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New Cowboy hat

My Mommy got me a cowboy hat. Howdy!

Stop taking pictures of me and help me, please! I can't get my basket off my handle bars. (This is one of Mommy's favorite pictures)

I have my Halloween card from Sophia, so I'm happy now.

Weekend in Florida

Mommy and Daddy had a wedding in Florida so I stayed with Nana and Papa. Here are some pictures from Jen's wedding.

Lilly and I went to the pet fair. I had fun playing with her. She was dressed up for Halloween.

I met some other dogs too.

I was happy to see Mommy and Daddy on Sunday! Thanks Nana, Papa, Uncle Stephen and Aunt Tamara for taking care of me.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Chilly Weather

Saturday we went to the diner up the street for breakfast. It was chilly out but I was ready to eat.

I walked almost the entire way home with Daddy until I tripped and fell on my nose.

Cheese!!! Can you see the scratch on my nose? It didn't hurt too much.

Look, I can pick up my basket of toys by myself. I'm strong.

Sunday I went for a walk in my car.

I saw my first worm and played with it a little.

Can you see the scab on my nose?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Playgroup Apple Picking

On Friday we went apple picking with my playgroup. Here we are with our Mommy's.

I really enjoyed picking apples off the ground and putting them in our basket.

We saw a lot of animals including ducks, goats, turkeys and roosters.

When we got home I wanted to wash the apples in the dishwasher but Mommy wouldn't let me.

On Saturday Mommy worked at a pumpkin festival with church. There was a man making balloon animals. I LOVED him. I had 2 balloon dogs for about 1 minute and then I fell and both of them popped. Oh well.