Ty has been having trouble falling asleep lately, so Mom and Dad have been letting him cry it out. This week he fell asleep with his head against the crib. Hopefully he doesn't hurt his neck.
Ty started army crawling last week. He is getting fast. Here he is, crawling out of the room.
Ty, you have to come back.
Here is Ty, under our table.
Ty crawling to Mommy.
Aren't we cute?
The weather has been nice, so we went to the park. Sleepy Ty.
I found my hat and decided to wear it all day. We went out to dinner, Ty got his t-shirt dirty, so he had to wear his overalls without a shirt. He had a sweater over it, so no one saw this look. He didn't like it when I made fun of him.
Ty sleeping again.
Daddy fell on the sidewalk this week and got a big boo-boo. I tried to help him clean it.