Thursday, December 30, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Seeing Santa

Today we had a full day. We started at the model train show and ended with seeing Santa and a few of his reindeer. Tyler wasn't too excited about Santa but I made sure to tell Santa what Tyler wanted for Christmas.
I had a little one on one time with Santa first. I was checking in on him through the window while I was in line.

Here's Prancer and Vixen.

We went to a model train show too. It was amazing.

Hopefully Santa will bring me a train because I'm a really good boy.
Last night we went to the mall and I didn't want to get too close to Santa. We watched him from the second story.
This is when I was in time out in the mall for running away from Mommy.
Here's crazy Tyler in Target with two straws.

Library Time

They had pajama story time at the library one night. Tyler and I went with our friends Dylan and Daniel. They had a guitar player there and we had a great time. Tyler was right up there in the front with Dylan. I stayed in the back with Daniel.

Decorating the tree

We decorated the tree at the lakehouse. Mom put on the lights.

Ty and I helped put on the christmas balls.
Ty loved taking them off and on.

Close up of Tyler.


Grandma and Grandpa came to spend Thanksgiving with us. Grandma made cookies with me again. Tyler and I really enjoyed them.
On Thanksgiving I helped Grandma make the chocolate pie. Tyler played us a little guitar.
I love Mommy and Daddy! Here's Ty and I using the ipad.

Grandpa made a great turkey. Thanksgiving dinner was wonderful.

Ty loved the chocolate pie.
Do you like my hat? I made it in school.

Grandma read to us every night.
Ty and I like to pretend we are playing in a band.
During the Thanksgiving weekend, Tyler got nursemaid's elbow. That's when the elbow comes out of the socket. We spend most of the day in the urgent care but they couldn't pop it back into place. We had to wait 2 days until we could see our pediatrician who was able to pop it back in. Tyler was a good sport. Here's Ty in the urgent care.
Ty still played was able to play, just couldn't move his right arm.
I like to wear these Mr. Potato Head glasses. Maybe I should ask Santa for some glasses. These don't really fit.

Ty tried them on too.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dancing at the Mall

Ty is a good dancer, so I joined in at the mall tonight.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Early winter

Loving my brother in church.

Ty and I love to play outside church along the Delaware River.

Look at Ty's crazy hair.

Look, Ty has a stick.

Ty has this crazy hair and this long tail. So funny.

Walking around the lakehouse before it gets too cold.
Tyler got into some chocolate. He loved it.
Now Ty's a monkey with a banana in his mouth. Funny guy.
Here's some of my artwork.
Mommy and Daddy painted the living room at the lakehouse so Ty and I tried to help dust and paint.

Here I am painting with Mommy.
Howdy Cowboy Tyler.