Nathan was jaundice so he had to go under the lights for two days. We didn't get to visit with him too much. We missed him. Here he is with his little sun glasses on.
I worked on some art for Nathan and Mommy to hang at the hospital. I borrowed some glasses so I could really see what I was doing. Mommy was showing us Nathan's toes and legs. The hospital had some free movies to watch. We tried to watch a movie while we visited with Mommy. Mommy and Nathan
Nathan is read to go home. Daddy changed him. Nathan was trying to give Mommy kisses.
Nathan is saying 'Please, do I have to go home? I don't want to, I'm 3 of 3, oh no'
Here they are leaving the hospital. Nathan is ready for his first car ride.
Tyler, Nana and I were waiting for Nathan to come home. We were so excited to welcome him home.
We really couldn't wait so we waited outside for them.
Yeah, they are home! Welcome home Nathan! We are your brothers.
Tyler was dying to hold Nathan. He still loves to hold him. My turn to hold Baby Nathan.
Kisses from your brothers. We got our shirts from Mommy's friend Amy Johnson. Thank you Amy! We love these shirts.
I have a new baby brother! Nathan Stephen was born Friday, August 26th. He was born on Uncle Steve Villanueva's birthday.
Mommy and Daddy went to the hospital at 7:30 am, we spent the day with our friends Jack and Will.
Here's Mommy and Daddy getting ready for the birth! It's a boy! Mommy and Daddy were so excited! He was born at 11:02 am.
Nathan was 8 lbs. 11 oz, 21 inches. Daddy was so proud!
Nana flew in that morning and made it to the hospital when Nathan was born.
Tara came to visit Nathan the next day.
Tyler and I went to meet Nathan at the hospital.
We brought Mommy some gifts.
We were so excited to see Mommy and meet Baby Nathan.
Mommy loved her gifts and cards that we made her.
Baby Nathan is so sweet.
We got to feed him a bottle with Daddy's help.
I was very interested in Mommy's IV. I wanted to know all about it. Ty and I got to watch a little TV at the hospital.
Oh, Nathan is so cute!
We took him on a walk.
We got to try out Mommy's breathing thing.
We love Baby Nathan!