Look at Ryder's cute little legs. He is wearing an outfit I wore as a baby. Tyler is already too big for it.

Does Ryder look like his Daddy when he was a baby?

Nana and Papa babysat us so Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Stephen and Aunt Tamara could go to the movies. I went to bed without a problem. The younger two were up the entire time and kept them busy. Here's Tyler checking out Ryder.

Tyler got to play Apples to Apples with Aunt Tamara. He was really checking out all the cards.

Nana and Papa babysat us so Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Stephen and Aunt Tamara could go to the movies. I went to bed without a problem. The younger two were up the entire time and kept them busy. Here's Tyler checking out Ryder.

Tyler got to play Apples to Apples with Aunt Tamara. He was really checking out all the cards.

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