Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tyler is 6 months old

Ty is 6 months old!!
He got 4 shots on his 6 month birthday.
He noticed the band-aids and tried to take them off.

He got one off.

Here is Mr. Honey Bear. Tyler likes to eat my hand.

He is so funny.

I like to wear Mommy's shoes. Here I am putting Curious George to sleep. I covered him up with my blanket and I'm rubbing his back.
I found another pair of Mommy's shoes.

Daddy got me some Cheetos. Look at my Cheeto hands.

I helped give Tyler a bath. Look at my eye, Tyler hit me, just kidding. It's a mosquito bite.
Tyler tried avocado this week. He's still not sure what to do with food.
Look at those chubby cheeks. :)

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