We went to Michigan in September to visit Grandma and Grandpa and go to a football game. Tyler loved the plane and drinking juice. I was so excited to be in Michigan and go to the football game, when I got off the plane, I asked if we were going to the football game. Then when we got in the car, I asked again. I was so excited about football.

The weather was perfect the first day we were there. We went to the playground and I fell backwards off the playground. I hit my eye really good. See the bump?

We just left for the football game and Tyler stayed home with Grandma. I missed Ty so much that I had to watch some video of him on Mommy's phone.

Here we are walking to the stadium.

We went to the game with Daddy's cousin, Jim and his daughter Jenna. They have season tickets and were so nice to give us some tickets.

I ate an entire box of popcorn by myself. Popped Maize.

Three generations of Villanueva's at the Michigan game.

Three generations of Villanueva's at the Michigan game.

Michigan won and it was a great game. I was so exhausted I was asleep before we left the parking garage.

This was Dad's attempt to take a picture of the two of us. We love when Grandma reads to us.

This was Dad's attempt to take a picture of the two of us. We love when Grandma reads to us.

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