The Florence boys and Laurie came to visit us in August. We went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island on a very hot day. Here's Carson and Ty waiting for the ferry. Laurie and the twins looking out at Ellis Island.

We had fun in the museum at Ellis Island. We watched a movie and listened on the phone.

More of Ellis Island

Waiting to be checked in a Ellis Island.

Here we are with NYC behind us. And they got a picture of me pouting.

Carson helped Tyler walk around and then we tried to help Carson climb a tree. It didn't work.

Here's the only picture they got of the five of us.

There's the lady!

We were able to get so close to her.

Our ferry ride home was hot and we were exhausted.

Tyler fell asleep before we got to the car and he was out.

We put on a show for Laurie and the boys.

I played the guitar in my undies.

Tyler was in the audience eating.

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