Thursday, May 29, 2008

First time in Ocean City

We are in Ocean City now for Mommy's cousin's wedding on Saturday. Today I went to the beach for the first time. Laurie and Carson flew in from Italy for the wedding. I am having so much fun playing with Carson. 


Saturday, May 24, 2008


This was taken a few weeks ago but here I am bouncing.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


At the airport this weekend, I was pushing the stroller all over the place. I'm getting really good at walking. Anyday, I'll be on my own.

1-2-3 Birthday Party

My friends and I have birthdays within the same week, so we had a 1-2-3 party. Carter turned 3, Will turned 2 and I turned 1. We met at the playground for the party. Unfortunately, Will got sick the night before and couldn't make it. Here I am with my Aunt Allison, she had a cool necklace on.

Here I am with Carter's brother, Graham. It was all fun and games until I pulled Graham's hair. He just has so much of it and it was right there. I had to grab it. Sorry Graham.

Here is Carter, the 3 year old, hugging his Grandma.

I got to have cake again! Yummy!

Mommy with baby Graham. I can't wait till we can run and play together.

I'm here with all of Mommy's friends! We had so much fun, I can't wait to see everyone again!

Babysitting by Stephen and Tamara

While Mommy, Daddy, Nana and Papa went to Marcia's wedding, Uncle Stephen and Aunt Tamara took care of me. We had a lot of fun!

Here I am enjoying an ice cold Bud Light with Lime. :)

I love my T-bone and Stevie.

They even introduced me to some ladies! Here I am with Scarlett. She couldn't stop giving me hugs and kissing.

Thanks T-bone and Stevie. I had so much fun with you two. I love you!

Sunny Florida

Last weekend we were in Florida for Mommy's friend, Marcia's wedding. It was hot! These are some pictures of me in the back of Nana and Papa's house.

What are these things on my feet? How can I take them off?

There was something on my head, so I took it off, but how do I put it back on? Aaahhh, I can do it, I can pull myself up. Hold on, I'm almost up.

I did it! I'm standing!

Papa gave me my first popsicle. It was so yummy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The weather was great this week so Mommy and I spent some time outside. I was getting sleepy and then I got to play with the phone.

Mommy and Me

Happy Birthday!

I turned one on May 12th!! Bring me my cake!

I love cake!


Where did my cake go?

I celebrated my birthday with my cousins in Michigan. This is the first time having cake.

I couldn't get enough.

Aunt Marta and Coco cleaned me up afterwards.