Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ty crawling

Tyler is still army crawling but it looks like he is rowing. Isn't it funny how he goes back and forth with his arms.?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Meeting Berkley

Our friends Sofia and Berkley came to NYC and stopped by our house. There will be more pictures up later in the week but here is Ty meeting Berk for the first time. Aren't they cute together.

Ty is ready for the cold weather. He loves putting the string in his mouth.

I'm checking out his Cookie Monster mittens. And then we fall over.

Snowy Days are here

Last weekend, we got 3 inches of snow at the lakehouse. It was Ty's first snow.

We had fun playing inside with Daddy.
The snow was beautiful in the morning.

Ty is 9 months old now.

Ty got a nativity set like mine from Nana and Papa.

He really likes playing with it.

Here I am talking to Mary.
Daddy got a new laptop that I was helping set up.
It was silly backwards day at school last week. Don't I look silly?

Happy Birthday Aunt Laurie

This week was Aunt Laurie's birthday. Mommy made her a DVD with pictures when she was little. She thinks Tyler looks a lot like Laurie when she was a baby. What do you think?

We love you and miss you Laurie! Happy Birthday!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ty's new car seat

Ty got a new car seat.
Here is Ty's first time in the front of a grocery cart. He loved the ride and I loved having him next to me.
Here I am lining up all my animals and friends so they can watch the FSU game.
My friends Kai and Axle came over for dinner one night and we had a great time playing.

We are wearing Daddy's sunglasses.

I'm giving Baby Jesus a ride. Here's Baby Jesus and his Mommy, Mary.

Now Baby Jesus needs to sleep.

Park Family Visit

We were so lucky the Park's came from Atlanta to visit us. We went into NYC one day.
Ty hanging out in the stroller.
I love Aunt Stephanie and the salt and pepper.

Avery with her Mommy and Daddy.
Look at the cute family walking the streets of NYC.

We enjoyed story time and hugs from Aunt Stephanie.

Playing with Avery and Connor.
Here we are reading again, that was one of my favorite parts.
The twins loved Tyler and he had a few naps after all the playing we were doing.
Playdough and games.

Here's cowboy Connor.