Sunday, September 23, 2012

First Day of School

My first day of Kindergarten was Sept 6, 2012. Here's Mommy giving me lots of hugs.
Tyler was a little tired.

 Nathan was excited to have Mommy to himself.
 Tyler's first day of preschool was the same day. He goes to Open Door Nursery and has Ms. Randazza.
 I think Mom is really going to miss me.
 We met up with our friend Gavin on the walk to school.
 Walking into the playground to meet our teacher.
 Here's my teacher, Mr. Barba. I'm so excited!
 Here I am, all lined up and ready to walk into my first day of Kindergarten.
 Tyler was a little late the first day but he made it to his school.
 Mommy had a little boo hoo breakfast party after we went to school. She was really sad so she had her friends come over to keep her company.
 We got free ice cream after our first day.
 We played on the playground a little after school too. 
 Here I am with my friends, waiting at the corner for Mom to cross the street.
 I had a great first day!

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